Common Medical Emergencies: Right knowledge saves life
Here to start with, everyone in this era is much aware of the diseases, treatment and symptoms by searching on the internet and other sources. But still there is need to …
Here to start with, everyone in this era is much aware of the diseases, treatment and symptoms by searching on the internet and other sources. But still there is need to aware you about some common medical condition which can happen all of sudden to anyone. If you are aware with right knowledge like what happened? Which treatment? And how? Can save life for sure or may prolong the survival period during the accident. So here we discuss about five most common medical emergencies with their treatment:
Unexpected loss of breathing, heart function and consciousness may be due to interrupted blood flow, pumping actions of heart or via electrical disturbances in conduction.
INTIAL WARNING SIGNS for such disturbances are fatigue, fainting, blackouts, chest pain, and shortness of breath, weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations or vomiting. Often occurs with NO WARNINGS.
1. Sudden collapse
2. No pulse
3. No breathing
4. Loss of consiousness
1. Rush for physician immediately or if you encounter such condition then:
2. Perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; special training must)
3. Use a portable defibrillator(electronic device helps to reestablish effective rhytm of heart)
4. Continue this cycle until patients regains consiousness
Ceasation of breathing by the person himself, they enter a state of respiratory arrest. Probable causes are airway obstruction, respiratory muscle weakness, and decreased respiratory drive. State is symptomized by absence of spontaneous breathing, chest do not rise and fall, changing of skin color. Prolonged state of respiratory attack ultimately causes cardiac arrest. Do not delay to rush to Physician.
State of partial or complete blockage of the breathing passage to the lungs due to which patient is not able to make any sound, cannot breathe and finally become unconscious. Factors contributing to choking are alcohol intake, carefree eating, laughing, coughing and talking to while eating
Encourage victim to cough, if unconsciousness state reached perform CPR and continue till blockage is removed.
First degree burns are not dangerous as only outer layer is burned and is identified by redness, swelling with pain. But in second degree burns along with first layer of skin, second layer is also burned which is characterized by blisters, intense redness and splotchy skin with severe pain and swelling.
Treatment for 1st and 2nd degree burns:
1. Cool the burn
2. Cover with sterile bandage
3. Take an counter pain reliever and watch for any infection, swelling or oozing, increased pain, redness and fever.
3rd degree burns: Serious burns involving all layers of skin causing whole tissue damage characterized by charred black areas and difficulty in breathing and exhalation
1. Call 911
2. Cover the burn
3. Check for signs of circulation
4. Immediate Medical aid
The damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body, usually occurs from a strain, sprain, contusion (bruise), overuse and stress injuries ultimately leads to pain, swelling, bruising and temporary loss of function.
1. Rest the individual from activity that causes pain
2. Ice the injury
3. Apply compression to the injury
4. Elevate injured area above the heart
5. Consult the physician.
Be incharge of your own body and awareness about above problems can save lives and is a initiative for well being of human kind nearby.