• February 16, 2025

MCA Fifth Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Cloud Computing  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Analysis & Design of Algorithm  Click Here …

MCA Third Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Java Technologies  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Web Technologies  Click Here  Click Here 3. …

MCA First Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Discrete Mathematics  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Programming in C & C++  Click Here …

MSC (Biotechnology) Previous Year Model Papers

Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1  Immunology, Virology and Pathogenesis  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Cell Biology  Click Here  Click …

MSC (Biotechnology) Final Year Model Papers

Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1  Plant Biotechnology  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Genetic Engineering  Click Here  Click Here

In my opinion these excerpts would guide readers, stimulate and mould their opinion and would lead to self improvement actions.
I have taken utmost care not to change the original content of the book so that the real thought can be preserved and delivered to the readers. I have personally been immensely benefitted by the valuable thoughts in the book and have shared the same with those who come in my contact and I assure the readers that their opinion would not be different from mine.
This book has the power of bringing a 360° change in one’s personality and attitude. If you have not achieved the stage of self actualization then this is ideal for you.
I am indebted to “Rhonda Byrne” for enlightening me and making me a better soul. All the best to all my readers for shaping their present and future by being the partners in the journey of soul searching with me while reading the book.
I want to leave you with the following thought before you embark on your spirit enriching journey.
“Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty”
Thank You-Thank You-Thank You

With regards
Dr. Sanjay Biyani
Biyani Group of Colleges



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