Linear In equation Lecture by Ms. Megha Sharma.
When the two expressions are connected by ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ sign, we get an inequality. When operating in terms of real numbers, linear inequalities are the ones written in …
When the two expressions are connected by ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ sign, we get an inequality. When operating in terms of real numbers, linear inequalities are the ones written in …
Lactose are carbohydrates which occur naturally in milk. It is also called as milk sugar .It can be hydrolysed with acid to give equimolar mixture of D-Glucose and D-Galactose.
Sucrose are common disaccharides obtained from sugarcane. They can be hydrolysed by enzyme invertase to give invert sugar.
This video is about the Nucleosome Model proposed by P. Outdet. In chromosomal organization the DNA is associated with Histone proteins .The nucleosome is the repeating unit that consists of Core …
This is a part of lecture presented by Dr. Ruby Singh Parmar, (Head Of The Department, Science), Biyani girls college. This video is about two dominant which are dominant in plants …
This video is about the structure of Nephridia of Neres. It is an excretory organ of Neres, which is a Polychete Annelidan. Neres has Metanephridia which are exonephric type. There are …
This video is about the morphology of the chromosome. Chromosomal body has elongated highly coiled DNA fibrils known as chromonema which are embedded in the matrix and matrix is covered with …
This video is about the chemical composition of chromosome, which consists of chiefly of DNA, Histone and Non- Histone Proteins. DNA,the Polynucleotide, is the sole genetic material of the organism. Five …
This is part of lecture presented by Ms Priyanka Khan, Asst. Professor in Biyani Girls College. This lecture is about R.H. Whittaker’s Five Kingdom Concept According to Five Kingdom Concept of …