Plant Biotechnology
Section A 1. Tools of plant biotechnology: Inducible gene expression systems as tools for plant functional genomics, Somatic embryogenesis system and artificial seed production. 2. Plant genetic transformation: Methods and emerging …
Section A
1. Tools of plant biotechnology: Inducible gene expression systems as tools for plant functional genomics, Somatic embryogenesis system and artificial seed production.
2. Plant genetic transformation: Methods and emerging trends. Screening procedures. Micropropagation- Seed versus soma, use of micropropagation in multiplicaotn of specific genotypes, hardening of micropropagated plants & their transfer to soil.
Section B
3. Micropropagation methods for the following category of plants(one example for each category) – (a) Floriculture, (b) Horticulture, (c) Medicinal and ornamental plants, (d) Cereal, pulse, oilseed and fiver crops, (e) Forest trees, fruit trees-Problems in propagating trees namely systemic contaminates, phenolic leaching, seasonal variation in response to genotypic recalcitrance. Designing new plant genotypes with enhance res9istance to salinity.
Section C
4. Micropropagation and variation among species– The engineering of recombinant plastids in higher plants.
5. Isolated Microspore Embryogenesis in cereals: Aspects and Prospects.
6. In vitro propagation of tropicl and sub-tropical fruit crops.
7. Application of biotechnology: in Indian ginseng (Ashwagandha).
8. Ornamental foliage plants improvement through biotechnology.
9. Wild species of Oryza as an important reservoir of useful alleles.
10. In vitro propagation of tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops. Genetic transformations of foodgrains, legumes, fruits and horticultural crops.
11. somaclonal variation: Application and limitation, Exploitation for selecting superior paonetype disease resistant, stress tolerant, high secondary metabolite producing.For free study notes log on :- www.gurukpo.com
12. Disease elimination. Morphogenesis, regeneration of plantloes, multiplication of plantlets, rooting, .
13. commercial production of tissue cultured plants-(i) Technology transfer, equipment and procedures, (ii) Aseptic techniques and control of contamination in a commercial laboratory, quarantine, pathological indexing, packaging, cost analysis,
Section D
14. GM crops and protoplast cufure – Genetic improvement of plants through tissue culture-comparison with classical methods(a) Transgenic Plants, antisense RNAs, tissue specific sequences, elimination of plant viruses, Homozygous plant production through anther, ovule, pollen cultures.
15. In vitro pollination and fertilization, embryo rescue, endosperm culture and production of seedless plants.
16. Protoplast culture and its genetic improvement: (i) Somatic hybridization, cybrids: limitations, (ii) Micromanipulaitn of genes using protoplasts,
17. Genetic engineering in plant: Identity sreservation in Genetically Modified Crops.